Secureblackbox Vcl
'I use SecureBlackbox SSL, HTTPS and Certificate components in a Delphi VCL client application for uploading e-commerce orders to a web server. I changed to SecureBlackbox from Indy OpenSSL components since the latter has poor quality control, uses an external library and is not at all stable. This page including description and links for a tool with the name SecureBlackbox-VCL: Add SSL/TLS, SSH, PKI, SFTP, PGP, PDF, XML, ZIP, EDI, SAML support to your appli. Download SecureBlackbox VCL v20.0.7381 (27 Feb 2020) for Delphi & C Builder + License Key SecureBlackbox is a suite of software components that allows developers to add strong security to their applications to protect binary data, files, documents and e-mails.
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Secureblackbox Library
Secureblackbox Vcl Full Source
SecureBlackbox is split to several packages:
SFTPBlackbox - securely transfer files and perform remote file system operations using SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) or create your own SFTP server.
SSHBlackbox - access remote SSH servers using SSH protocols or build your own SSH server.
FTPSBlackbox - transfer files securely using FTP (RFC 959) and FTP-over-SSL (also known as FTPS, FTP/SSL, as defined in RFC 2228) protocols or create your own FTP/FTPS server.
HTTPBlackbox - access web sites via HTTP and HTTPS protocols with Gzip compression or create your own HTTP / HTTPS server or proxy.
OpenPGPBlackbox - encrypt and sign files using OpenPGP algorithms and standards, generate and manage OpenPGP keys and keyrings.
XMLBlackbox - encrypt, sign and timestamp XML files or generic data using XML encryption and signing standards (XMLEnc, XMLDSig and XAdES).
PDFBlackbox - compress, encrypt, sign and timestamp PDF files using PDF and PAdES standards.
SSLBlackbox - client and server support for SSL and TLS 1.0-1.2 protocols as well as for Datagram TLS (DTLS).
MIMEBlackbox - compose and parse MIME messages with optional S/MIME or PGP/MIME.
MailBlackbox - send and receive e-mail using SMTP, POP3 and IMAP protocols.
PKIBlackbox - full scope of PKI and X.509 certificate management functions.
EDIBlackbox - exchange business information via AS2 and AS3 protocols.
ZIPBlackbox - compress and decompress data with strong encryption.
CloudBlackbox - securely store data in cloud storages.
OfficeBlackbox - encrypt or digitally sign Office documents.
WebDAVBlackbox - access and manage resources using WebDAV.
SAMLBlackbox - create SAML authentication clients and servers.
ASiCBlackbox - sign data using European standard for Associated Signature Containers (ASiC).