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Download 120831.rar 21 DOWNLOAD (Mirror #1) a363e5b4ee Download Introduction To Linear Algebra With Applications.Download Introduction To Linear Algebra With Applications Jim Defranza Solution. Oct 22, 2020 PICBASIC PRO Compiler 3.1.2 is available as a free download on our software library. This software is an intellectual property of microEngineering Labs, Inc. Commonly, this program's installer has the following filename: PBPX.EXE. The latest version of the program is supported on PCs running Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10, 32-bit.
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PicBasicPRO Examples
These examples are designed to demonstrate how to use aPIC16F877 and PicBasic PRO to communicate with our modules, most of these examples use the LCD03 display module to show theresults. All the modules which use the I2C bus have 1k8 pull-up resistorsto 5v. You only need one set of resistors for the whole I2C bus regardlessof however many I2C devices you have connected to it. You can findmore information about the I2C bus in our I2C tutorial.
Note - Pin 1 of the PIC16F877 is MCLR. When your programmer isnot connected to this pin, it should be pulled to +5v with a resistor. Any valuefrom 1k to 47k should be fine. You may need disconnect it when the programmer isconnected.
Index: | |
CMPS03 | Magnetic Compass |
SRF01 | Ultrasonic Ranger |
SRF02 | Ultrasonic Ranger |
SRF04 | Ultrasonic Ranger |
SRF05 | Ultrasonic Ranger |
SRF08 | Ultrasonic Ranger |
SRF10 | Ultrasonic Ranger |
SRF235 | Ultrasonic Ranger |
TPA81 | 8 Pixel Thermal Sensor |
SD20 | Servo Controller |
SD21 | Servo Controller |
MD03 | 24V 20A Motor Driver |
MD22 | Dual 24V 5A Motor Driver |
MD25 | RD02 Motor Driver |
RLY08 | Relay Module |
CMPS03 Magnetic Compass
This uses the I2C bus to connect the PIC16F877 to the CMPS03. It reads thebearing as a 16 bit integer and displays the bearing as a number0.0-359.9 on the LCD03.
Download the CMPS03PicBasic.PBP file |
SRF01 Ultrasonic Ranger
The SRF01 uses a single pin for both serial input and output. You can have up to16 SRF01's connected to a single pin. The Range is displayed on an LCD03 module.
Download the SRF01PicBasic.PBP file |
SRF02, SRF08, SRF10,SRF235 Ultrasonic Rangers
The SRF02, SRF08, SRF10 and SRF235 all use the same I2C interface. Thebasic ranging commands are the same, so this example works for all theserangers.
Download the srf02PicBasic.PBP file |
SRF04 Ultrasonic Ranger
As the SRF04 and SRF05 use the same method of communicating this example is compatiblewith both the SRF04 and SRF05.
Download the SRF04PicBasic.PBP file |
SRF05 Ultrasonic Ranger
This example uses the SRF05 in one pin mode, where the Trigger and Echo signalsappear on the same pin. Note the SRF05's mode pin is connected to ground toplace it in one pin mode.
Download the SRF05PicBasic.PBP file |
SRF08 Ultrasonic Ranger
Although the SRF08 is compatible with the SRF02 example, this example uses the SRF08 to take range and lightreadings and displays them on the LCD03.
Download the SRF08PicBasic.PBP file |
TPA81 Thermal Sensor
The TPA81 connects to the PIC16F877 using the I2C bus. This example displays theambient temperature and 8 temperatures from thermal sensor, on an LCD03 moduleand drives a servo.
Download the TPA81PicBasic.PBP file |
SD20 Servo Controller
This example shows how to drive a servo by usingthe SD20 chip, you can control up to 20 servo's.
Download the SD20PicBasic.PBP file |
Torrent Picbasic Pro 3 Download
SD21 Servo Controller
The SD21 is a ready wired module which can save a lot of time compared to theSD20 above. This example moves all servos through their maximum range.
Download the SD21PicBasic.PBP file |
MD03 24V 20A Motor Driver
This example runs the motor forwards and backwards, displaying thetemperature and motor current on the LCD03.
Download the MD03PicBasic.PBP file |
MD22 24V 5A MotorDriver
This example runs the motors forwards and backwards.
Download the MD22PicBasic.PBP file |
Torrent Picbasic Pro 3.0
MD25 RD02 MotorController
This example drives the RD02 motors and displays the encoder values on the LCD03in hex format, as well as the batteryvoltage. Njstar chinese. It runs the motors back and forth between 2 values output by theencoders.
Download the MD25PicBasic.PBP file |
Picbasic Pro Download
RLY08 Relay Module
Example of switching all the relays on and then off, and then turning them onand off individually.
Download the RLY08PicBasic.PBP file |
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CatalogPICBASIC CompilerAMICUSPIC ProgrammersPrototyping PCBSupportHelpUpdate PolicyAbout UsLegal Stuff (in no particular order)FAQPICBASIC ProU2 ProgrammerField ProgrammerHid MakerMicrocode StudioExperimenter BoardsCommunity AreaHow ToBeginnersCompiler Error CodesSettings for BeginnersExample CodeDarrel Taylors WorksA/DAudioEEPROMEncoderEthernet / InternetGPSI2CInfraredInterruptsKeypadsLCDLED DisplayMathReal Time ClockR/CSerial DataTimersUSARTOther Example CodeUSBInclude FilesAMICUS18EthernetVideoUseful LinksElectronics SuppliersWiki HelpUser ProjectsCommunity CompetitionsBigPIC4 Dev BoardAeronauticalAudio & MusicAutomotiveData LoggingGamesHealth & SafetyHome & UtilityInfraredNauticalOpto & DisplayProgrammingRadio / RFAmateurRoboticsR/C ModelSeasonalEaster4th of JulyHalloweenGuy FawkesChristmasNew YearSolarTemperatureTest & MeasurementOtherRe: Determining variable length (number of digits) possible?
This requires too many IFs..
CuriousOne Today, 08:53
On spectrum we had X=LEFT(Y,Z)..Re: Determining variable length (number of digits) possible?
12345 / 10 = 1234
HenrikOlsson Today, 08:38
12345 / 100 = 123
12345 / 1000 = 12
12345 / 10000 = 1
/Henrik.Re: Determining variable length (number of digits) possible?
So back to shift.
CuriousOne Today, 08:16
How to trim one variable from left to right, to value of another variable?
say trim 12345 by 3 - mean, make 123 digits from it.Re: Determining variable length (number of digits) possible?
I've written a PC based converter, which deals with ASCII conversion. It generates PBP code for EEPROM.
CuriousOne Today, 08:01
8970Re: Determining variable length (number of digits) possible?
Not sure how that happened. First, you wouldn't get '123', as Right Shift 2 (>> 2) is the same as Divide by 4; in which case 12345 >> 2 = 3086 and not 11419.
mpgmike Today, 07:06
Since you're dealing with a display,..Re: Determining variable length (number of digits) possible?
Forgot to mention, startup shift fixed:
CuriousOne Today, 06:57
shiftout datapin,clockpin,1,[X-DLEN+DSTART, y]Re: Determining variable length (number of digits) possible?
CuriousOne Today, 06:13
FOURD=FOURD>>2 should return FOURD=123, right? but it returns 11419 !Re: Determining variable length (number of digits) possible?
I'm doing a more featured custom decoder, which will display both letters and digits on max7219 7 segment display. It will also have custom decoder for digital values. The code is below:
CuriousOne Yesterday, 20:39
..Re: Current sensor output modification. PIC or opamp or something else?
Back to the original challenge, I'd do it in software:
mpgmike - 10th December 2020, 06:22
IF ADC > 127 THEN ;Assuming 8-bit ADC
ADC_VAL = (ADC * 4) / 5 ;Yields 80% of value
The above snippet will deliver <128..Re: Determining variable length (number of digits) possible?
mpgmike - 10th December 2020, 06:07
[Work the first digit]
ENDIF ;If not, no action taken
[Work the 2nd digit]
ENDIF ;If not, no action taken