Breeding Master Powerful Dog Breeding Software For Mac


by Claudia Waller Orlandi, Ph.D.

Master breeders are those unique individuals who make alasting contribution to the improvement of their breed and the sport of dogs.

Master breeders (Craige 1997):
  1. Protect and safeguard a breed’s original purpose and function.
  2. Blend art and science in their never-ending passion to produce the ideal dog.
  3. Breed Top Ten dogs, specialty winners and dogs that garner records as top producers.
  4. Allow their great dogs to be used by others in the sport.
  5. Rise above times of insecurity and heartbreaking set-backs.
  6. Set goals towards which they remain true and painfully objective.
  7. Are role models of good sportsmanship.
  8. Do their homework knowing that producing greatness is not a matter of random good luck.

Whether your goal is to produce one or two champions or youaspire to become a master breeder who can be instrumental in improving yourbreed, worthwhile breeding comes from doing a lot of homework! In addition tohaving a working knowledge of how genes work, successful breeders need to do thefollowing.

Know The Origin And Historical Purpose Of Your BreedDolby atmos 7.1 sound test.

Every breed came into existence for a specific purpose.Historically, the basset was followed on foot and used for the slow trailing ofsmall game such as rabbit and hare. The Basset’s long ears were developed tostir up the scent for his keen nose to follow. Short heavily-boned legs providedsound and efficient running gear in dense cover, endowing him with greatendurance, agility and sturdiness. Although the Basset is a long, low, massivedog, his substantial structure is lean enough to provide great stamina in thefield.

Without a knowledge of the Basset’s historical purpose we are not able to truly understand why the form and function of the Basset were developed. Master breeders commit themselves to safeguarding a breed’s original purpose and function because even though a breed may never be called upon to fulfill its primary purpose, breeders and judges must evaluate a breed based on: (1) how correct its structural build is to carry out its original purpose and (2) how effectively it uses that structure. 1

It is especially important to remember that the peculiarlong, low structure of the Basset does not give it license to move in any waythat is itself peculiar or unsound (Skolnick 1997) If anything, the Basset’sunusual massive structure calls for especially sound movement in order tomaintain this scent hound’s capacity for endurance.
Have a Thorough and Complete Knowledge of Your Breed’sStandard

Breed standards are based on the historical purpose of abreed and describe the physical and mental attributes that made a particularbreed do what it was expected to do. A breed standard is a verbal descriptionwhich guides breeders in their quest to produce the ideal specimen of thatbreed. Each standard represents a concept (rather than an actualdog) against which breeders measure the dogs they produce and judges measureeach competitor of that breed.

The Basset Hound Illustrated Standard,2expands the understanding of our official standard and is invaluable to gaininga deeper insight into the form and function of the Basset Hound. Breeders shouldknow the breed standard and illustrated standard 'by heart!'

The Standard does not describe how to achieve theideal of a particular breed, rather it guides breeders who must combine a senseof artistry with basic genetic principles in their quest to produce the classicdog.

Know What Features Make Your Breed Unique
In order to truly understand a breed it is absolutely necessary to know its unique features. Some unusual features of the Basset are long ears and short legs; the latter are 'heavier in bone, size considered, than any other breed of dog' (the official Standard).

Breeders should not be tempted to add window dressing or exaggerate the unique features of their breed in an effort to make a dog look prettier or ‘typier’.2An example would be breeding Bassets with ears so long orlegs so short that they interfere with correct movement.

To gain more perspective on the Basset Hound, read otherbreed standards. Particularly illuminating for their similarities anddifferences is a comparison of The Basset Hound Illustrated Standard withthe illustrated standard of the Dachshund. (Visualization of the OfficialDachshund Standard,3).

Know Which Faults in Your Breed are Considered Very Serious, Serious and Minor

In order to properly select and discard animals from a breeding program, breeders need to fully understand the relative seriousness of faults in their breed.

Skolnick’s analysis of the Basset Hound standard lists some'very serious faults' as steep shoulders with short upper arms, out atelbows, weak pasterns, excessive crook in legs and turn out of feet, flat orsplayed feet, steep or poorly angulated hindquarters, bowed legs, cowhocks andincorrect bite. Izotope t-pain effect torrent. Some 'serious faults' are wide or flat skull, snipeymuzzle, pancake ear, roach or sway back, barrel or short chest, incorrecttemperament and absence of loose skin. Several 'minor faults' includelight, round or protruding eyes, absence of haw, harsh expression, absence ofparallel planes and incorrect stop.4

A review of Skolnick’s partial list shows that many'very serious faults' refer to incorrect running gear and movementwhich hinder performance and endurance. 'Serious faults' are generallythose relating to body and proportion, including the head, which is an importantelement of type. 'Minor faults' are generally cosmetic and smaller indetail.

Learn the Parts of a Dog’s Anatomy

The official standard for any breed cannot be fullyunderstood without a knowledge of the dog’s anatomy.5 As a startingpoint to understanding the standard and the correct structure for the BassetHound, every breeder needs to know terms like 'sternum,'scapula,' 'pastern,' etc. and where they are located on thedog.

Knowledge of the individual parts of a dog is an importantmeans to an end, since ultimately we must view each dog as the sum total of itsparts.

Decide What is Ideal

It is imperative that breeders have a mental picture of the ideal specimen they are attempting to breed.

Mary and Wilton Meyer (Oranpark, Reg.), well-known BassetHound breeders of the 1960’s, have perhaps said it best: 'Allowing for achange in style, we think that the most important thing a breeder must keep inmind is an absolutely steadfast adherence to his own ideal mental picture of thetype of animal he is trying to produce: (Frederiksen 1998). Without such a'goal,' breeders cannot decide what to keep and what to discard fromtheir breeding programs.6

In many instances your ideal Basset Hound may not be anactual dog but rather a combination of outstanding features from several dogs.


  1. Craige, P.1997. Born to win: breed to succeed. Wilsonville, OR: Doral.

  2. The Basset Hound Illustrated Standard. 1996. The Basset Hound Club of America.

  3. Visualization of the official Dachshund Standard. 1997. Dachshund Club of America.

  4. Skolnick, L. 1997. A look at the Basset. Tally Ho (March-April), 10-12.

  5. Grossman, A. 1983. The standard book of dog breeding. Fairfax, VA: Denlinger.

  6. Frederiksen, R. 1998. Out of the past: Oranpark, Reg. Mary and Wilton Meyer. Tally Ho (Jan-Feb), 22.

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If you are a farmer or a rancher or any other person who requires a cattle management software then you have reached the right place. Today we are going to discuss a few cattle management softwares that are available in the market. We will provide you with the features and benefits of these softwares.


These softwares provide a basic inventory system according to the need of the user. These softwares are easy to use and operate.

Cattle Max

This software provides a real time record keeping of the cattle. You can record the cattle information as it happens rather than waiting for weeks to fill in the details. It records information at a central location. You can record the information from your mobile phone as well wherever you get internet connection.


Breeding Master Powerful Dog Breeding Software For MacBreeding

With the help of Tambero you can store information of the cattle as well as the agriculture information. It not only lets you keep track of the cattle but also the other things around the farm such as crops, land parcels, farm weather forecast etc. It runs on your phone and tablets and is available across all the platforms.


Cattle Works

The aim of this software is also to provide you with an inventory system for your herd and animal records. It has four main sections that include farm setup (i.e., breed names, financial transaction, medical procedures etc.), Cattle entry (i.e., record cattle purchases and sales, record births and losses etc.), Cow/Calf reports and General reports.

Other Cattle Management System for Different Platforms

There are variety of cattle management softwares available depending on the platform requirement. In this section we are presenting three different cattle management softwares for three different platforms so that you can work across platforms as well. The functionalities provided by all of them is almost the same but in different platforms.

Ranch Manager for Mac

This livestock management software lets you manage the livestock based on the different animal species. You can create projects for different herds and can track the livestock records. It gives you options of breeding management and location management. It also gives you the functionality to record income and expenses involved in the cattle management.

Cattle Pro for Windows

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This software is designed for Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7 for cattle management and analysis. The general features that this software has are ability to create and select multiple databases, ability to combine multiple herds per database, Ranch and contact information, customize data entry screen for ease of use etc.

Cattle Manager for Android

This android app for cattle management lets you add and view information for each cow and gets you alerts ahead of important dates. As this a mobile app you can edit information on the go. The other features includes upload the tag numbers for your herd, store everything on the phone, no expensive equipment needed.

Most Popular Cattle Management Software of 2016 Cow Sense Herd Management Software.

This year the cattle management software that has been on the top of the list is Cow Sense Herd Management Software. It is an easy to use and basic livestock management system which is a revolution in beef industry. It keeps records of cattles and their sales. Cattle analysis and livestock weighing can also be done.

What is Cattle Management Software?

Breeding Master Powerful Dog Breeding Software For Machine Learning

In the day to day life of a farmer or a rancher he has to keep all the records related to the cattles and his farm as well. He has to do manage those huge pile of paper work to complete this task which is very tiresome and hectic. In this scenario, cattle management softwares come in picture.

Breeding Master Powerful Dog Breeding Software For Mac Download

These are the softwares that provide an all in one inventory system to its users such that they can save their time and improve work efficiently.The benefits of these softwares can be termed as less paperwork, decrease in time needed, decreased in work complexity, enter cattle details on the go with mobile applications, no expensive equipment required etc.

There are many options available in the market today and these softwares are easy to install as well use. The availability of these softwares as a mobile application makes it much easier for the user to use them on the go anytime according to his need and keep a real time track on the activities around the farm.

Breeding Master Powerful Dog Breeding Software For Mac Osx

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